Art & Text
Professeure : Jacqueline RIVA
Spécialité du cours : Making language material, speech, text, performative works, video, installation, still and moving images
Activité obligatoire
Semestre 3 et 5
Durée : 1h30 / quizaine
Calendrier : lundi et mardi
Deuxième année
option ART : Groupe ? (jour **h**-**h**) / Groupe ? (jour **h**-**h**)
option ART mention TECHNIQUES TEXTILES Groupe ? (jour **h**-**h**)
option DESIGN : Groupe ? (jour **h**-**h**) / Groupe ? (jour **h**-**h**)
Troisième année
option ART : Groupe ? (jour **h**-**h**) / Groupe ? (jour **h**-**h**)
option ART mention TECHNIQUES TEXTILES Groupe ? (jour **h**-**h**)
option DESIGN : Groupe ? (jour **h**-**h**) / Groupe ? (jour **h**-**h**)
Courses will be held every week in the ateliers. References and course material will also be uploaded and available on Teams. Student's may request individual RDV in person or via Teams.
The emphasis in this course is for students to acquire English language skills through investigating and making text-based art works. The subject matter presented and discussed in the courses will enable students to enlarge their vocabulary, not only in terms of presentation and discussion but also in the way they develop their practical work conceptually. Diverse uses of the language are encouraged, taking into account that English, for many students, is practice via social media, Messenger, WhatsApp, Google Translate, YouTube and so on.
Students will use the text based work, 'Non-Functional Thoughts', by artist Cesare Pietroiusti, published in book form. These Thoughts, or 'statements', will then be interpreted by the students and realised as works, art works - design, in the medium most conducive to the idea, and might include text and image, performative speech acts, live performed dialogue, still or moving images.
Students will be encouraged to work collaboratively and in small groups, sharing ideas and developing proposals. Emphasis will be on the translation and transmission of works from one context to another.
The course emphasises the need for students to broaden their repertoire and acquire new skills that will make them better prepared for the uncertain future in front of them. ÉVALUATION
Participation in class discussion, oral presentations, production of practical works.
Expand student's awareness of conceptual and contemporary art works that use text and language as their media; acquiring and sharing the knowledge of the group; critical thinking and decision making; making oral presentations in English.
References will be available to students via Teams, uploaded to the relevant course folder
- Cesare Pietroiusti, 'Non-Functional Thoughts' (1978-1996), edizione morra, 1997, Naples.
- Cesare Pietroiusti, 'Non-Functional Thoughts' (1978-2018), revised and reprinted with English translation, Mark Pezinger Verlag, 2000, Graz.
- Cesare Pietroiusti, 'Non-Functional Thoughts' (1978-2018), revised and reprinted with German and English translation, Mark Pezinger Verlag, 2018, Graz.
Other references will be provided as required.