Professeure : Agathe DUMONT
Spécialité du cours : Anglais / Théories de l'art/ Pratiques artistiques
Semestre 1 et 2
Durée : ? h / semaine
Calendrier : ?
Développer un projet personnel en anglais.
This workshop will be based on the analysis, the exploration and creation of scores. After a presentation of the question of scores in contemporary art, art history and particularly in dance/performance, and we will study different protocols for reading art works as scores. Students will be led to invent their own system to invite others to play with scores and develop their creativity. The first semester will be devoted to a more general approach of this theme in order to initiate a "giant score", a project carried out collectively in the second semester. We will thus question our artistic practices, our relationship to daily life, to work and to our environment.
Lecture de textes, analyse de documents, travail en groupes
Contrôle continu (assiduité, participation), projet de fin de semestre, participation à un projet collectif.
SAVOIR-FAIRES attendus à l'issue du cours